Prostate cancer treatment in Israel

Professor Ofer GofritHead of the Urology Department

Patients at the Hadassah Clinic receive prostate cancer treatment at a level unavailable at any other medical center in Israel, with many procedures performed only in a handful of clinics around the world.

For example, in 2020, the clinic began using the revolutionary Ethos radiotherapy system for prostate cancer. There are currently no more than two dozen of these unique devices in the world, equipped with artificial intelligence and allowing the treatment plan to be adjusted before each new session, which many times increases the effectiveness and safety of the procedure.

Also in 2020, the clinic began using SpaceOAR – the latest technology that has raised the standard of radiotherapy for prostate cancer to a new level, making it much more accurate, safe and fast. The main element of the new method is a biocompatible gel that separates the prostate from the surrounding tissues and thus reduces the risk of damaging them during radiation. The second element is “gold grains,” markers that help to target the prostate or liver more accurately.

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Prostate cancer diagnostics at the Hadassah Clinic

It is important to diagnose prostate cancer early in order to ensure successful treatment. At the Hadassah Clinic, a number of diagnostic techniques are utilized to diagnose prostate cancer including CT, MRI, blood tests, ultrasound, and biopsy. These tools help clinicians to accurately diagnose prostate cancer and determine the best course of treatment for each individual patient.

Computed Tomography (CT) is a diagnostic imaging technique that uses X-rays to produce detailed images of the body’s internal organs. CT scans can be used to detect prostate cancer and determine the extent of the cancer’s spread. CT scans are particularly useful for identifying the presence of prostate cancer in the lymph nodes or other areas outside of the prostate gland.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is another diagnostic imaging technique that can be used to detect prostate cancer. Unlike CT scans, MRI scans do not use radiation. Instead, they use a powerful magnetic field and radio waves to produce detailed images of the body’s internal organs. MRI scans are particularly useful for identifying the location and extent of prostate cancer within the prostate gland.

Ultrasound is another diagnostic tool that can be used to detect prostate cancer. Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) involves inserting a small probe into the rectum to create images of the prostate gland. This test can help detect any abnormal growths or tumors in the prostate gland and can be used to guide a biopsy procedure.

Blood tests are another important tool in the diagnosis of prostate cancer. A blood test can be used to measure the levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in the blood. PSA is a protein that is produced by the prostate gland. Elevated levels of PSA in the blood can be a sign of prostate cancer. However, PSA levels can also be elevated for reasons other than cancer, so further testing is often required to confirm a diagnosis of prostate cancer.

Finally, a biopsy may be necessary to confirm a diagnosis of prostate cancer. During a biopsy, a small sample of tissue is removed from the prostate gland and examined under a microscope. A biopsy is usually performed under local anesthesia and is typically an outpatient procedure. The biopsy can be performed using TRUS guidance or through a perineal approach, which involves inserting a needle through the skin between the scrotum and anus. The tissue sample is then examined by a pathologist to determine if cancer is present.

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Prostate cancer treatment at the Hadassah Clinic

At the Hadassah Clinic, a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals works together to develop an individualized treatment plan for each patient diagnosed with prostate cancer. Treatment options may include surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or hormone therapy. The choice of treatment depends on the stage and severity of the cancer, as well as the patient’s overall health and preferences.

Da Vinci robotic system

Prof. Gofrit near Da Vinci

The Da Vinci robotic system is a minimally invasive surgical tool used to treat prostate cancer at the Hadassah Clinic. This advanced technology increases precision and accuracy during surgery, resulting in better outcomes for patients. The system uses small incisions and robotic arms to perform surgery, reducing the risk of complications and allowing for faster recovery times. The robotic system also allows for greater visualization and control during surgery, resulting in less damage to surrounding tissue.

Hadassah was the first hospital in Israel to use the Da Vinci robot. The first unit in the country was purchased by the Jerusalem Medical Center in 2009. So, although robot-assisted prostate removal is performed today in all major Israeli clinics, the experience of the Hadassah surgeons does not compare with that of other doctors. It is not without reason that one of the clinic’s main specialists in this field, Professor Gofrit, is called by colleagues “Professor Da Vinci”.


Prof. Popovtzer, Head of the Oncology Depatrment, and Prof. Vigoda, Head of the Radiology Department, near Ethos

The innovative Ethos unit allows you to have a radiotherapy session for prostate cancer in just 15 minutes. Not only has this device made radiation safer and faster, but it has also greatly increased its effectiveness and allowed for daily tracking of the results achieved.

For many years, radiation planning was done before the course began and about halfway through the course, after 4-5 weeks. There was a two-day break in treatment, and physicians spent a lot of time planning again. The tumor changed size, shifted, and the radiation was administered according to an outdated plan, affecting healthy tissue and causing side effects.

The artificial intelligence of the Ethos machine helps take the dynamics into account every day and directs the flow of particles precisely to the tumor, increasing the dose exactly where it’s needed and not exposing healthy organs to radiation.

Radiation treatment of the prostate at the Hadassah Hospital also utilizes an ultra-modern method of implanting special gold tags or markers (“golden grains”) into the prostate gland, which allow the radiation to be focused precisely where it is needed. SpaceOAR gel is used along with the “gold grains” to separate the prostate from the neighboring organs and thus protect them from possible radiation exposure.

The SpaceOAR gel and the implantation of “gold grains” are used in the clinic under the guidance and supervision of Prof. Marc Vigoda, Head of the Radiotherapy Department.

Brachytherapy (local radiation)

Brachytherapy is only relevant if localized cancer is detected, because the radiation does not spread further than 2 mm from the capsule.

Most cancer patients choose this method because it allows them to visit a medical facility less frequently. Brachytherapy is considered an innovative method of radiation therapy that involves introducing a radioactive radiation source into the pathological focus. If the focus is already extensive, a 3-month course of cytostatics is indicated before brachytherapy.

Hadassah is the only Israeli clinic where the effectiveness of prostate cancer treatment with the radioactive isotope Lutetium-177 is 2-3 times higher than usual. This is because only here the radioactive material is produced in a special room right in the walls of the clinic.

Cryosurgery and ultrasonic ablation

For patients over 70 years old whose prostate cancer is complicated by other serious illnesses, as well as those who have not been helped by radiotherapy, the Hadassah Clinic offers an innovative treatment – cryosurgery or freezing of the prostate gland.

Ultrasonic ablation is possible in the early stages (1, 2). High-intensity focused ultrasound heats the lesion to high temperatures. Cryotherapy, on the other hand, destroys tumor tissue at low temperatures.

Laparoscopic surgery

Laparoscopic surgery for prostate cancer

At the Hadassah Clinic, laparoscopic surgery for prostate cancer treatment is performed by a team of experienced urologists who are experts in the field. The procedure involves making a few small incisions in the abdomen, through which a laparoscope and specialized instruments are inserted to remove the prostate gland. The laparoscope provides a high-definition view of the prostate gland, allowing the surgeon to perform the surgery with great precision and accuracy.

The advantages of laparoscopic surgery for prostate cancer treatment at the Hadassah Clinic are numerous. Firstly, the minimally invasive nature of the procedure means that patients experience less pain and discomfort after surgery, which can lead to faster recovery times and shorter hospital stays. Secondly, the laparoscopic approach minimizes the risk of complications, such as bleeding and infection, compared to traditional surgery. Additionally, the smaller incisions mean that patients are left with less scarring.

Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) is a surgical procedure used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and, in some cases, prostate cancer. At the Hadassah Clinic, TURP is performed by highly experienced urologists who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate conditions.

During a TURP operation, a small instrument called a resectoscope is inserted through the urethra and into the prostate gland. The resectoscope has a wire loop at the end that is used to remove small pieces of prostate tissue, which are then sent to a laboratory for analysis.

TURP is an effective treatment option for prostate cancer when the cancer is localized to the prostate gland and has not spread to other parts of the body. The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia and takes about 90 minutes to complete.

After the TURP procedure, patients may experience some discomfort and blood in their urine for a few days. Pain medication and antibiotics are prescribed to manage these symptoms and prevent infection. Most patients are able to go home within a few days and can return to normal activities within a few weeks.

At the Hadassah Clinic, TURP for prostate cancer is performed using the latest surgical techniques and technology to ensure the best possible outcome for patients. The medical team at the Hadassah Clinic provides personalized care and support throughout the entire treatment process, from diagnosis to recovery.

Chemotherapy and hormone therapy

Chemotherapy and hormone therapy are two common treatment options for prostate cancer, used to slow or stop the growth of cancer cells and prevent the cancer from spreading to other parts of the body.

Chemotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that uses drugs to kill cancer cells. In prostate cancer, chemotherapy is typically used when the cancer has spread to other parts of the body and is no longer responding to hormone therapy. Chemotherapy is administered intravenously, typically every three to four weeks, and can have side effects such as nausea, hair loss, and fatigue.

Hormone therapy, also known as androgen deprivation therapy, is a treatment that lowers the levels of male hormones in the body, specifically testosterone, which can stimulate the growth of prostate cancer cells. Hormone therapy can be administered through injections, pills, or surgery, and is often used in combination with other treatments such as radiation therapy. Side effects of hormone therapy can include hot flashes, decreased sex drive, and osteoporosis.

Both chemotherapy and hormone therapy have proven to be effective treatment options for prostate cancer, and the decision to use one or both will depend on the individual case and stage of the cancer. The medical team at Hadassah Clinic works closely with patients to develop a personalized treatment plan that meets their unique needs and goals.

How to come to Hadassah Clinic for medical treatment?

In order to come to Hadassah Clinic in Jerusalem, Israel for medical treatment, first contact our staff to discuss your medical condition and treatment options. Once you have received confirmation that the clinic can provide the necessary medical care, you should obtain a medical visa from the Israeli embassy in your country and make travel arrangements. Finally, ensure that you have all necessary medical records and documents before you depart for the clinic.

How to come to Hadassah Clinic for medical treatment?

You will need to gather essential documents, such as medical reports and passports, and probably obtain a medical visa from the Israeli embassy in your home country.

In order to come to the Hadassah Clinic in Jerusalem, Israel for medical treatment, first contact Hadassah University Hospital staff to discuss your medical condition and treatment options.

Once you have received confirmation that the clinic can provide the necessary medical care, you should obtain a medical visa from the Israeli embassy in your country and make travel arrangements. Finally, ensure that you have all necessary medical records and documents before you depart for the clinic.

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